Today on The Tales Compendium I would like to welcome Rhiannon Hart, author of the Lharmell series. As part of my Aussie Author Month, I have a bunch of Aussie YA authors answering some questions over the next few weeks.
Rhiannon has written Blood Song, Blood Storm, and a short story from Rodden's perspective called The Blue-Eyed Phantom: Blood Song 0.5 which is due for release soon. UK and US followers, paperback editions of Blood Song and Blood Storm will be available from May 10th.
"Blood Song is the story of a
feisty heroine with loyal animals, an infuriating but intriguing boy, a
mysterious land and frightful creatures. It has action, adventure,
tension and mystery, with a little bit of romance on the side. Utterly
(From my review)
Please welcome Rhiannon Hart!
My mother always told me… "get a career before you get married". Feminism was drummed into me from the cradle.
The biggest lesson I learnt at school was… when I left, and found that university was much much much more fun.
My first big crush was… Jareth the Goblin King.
I earnt my first pay cheque… harvesting lavender.
I really hate it when… the teacher used to say "Everyone get into groups and ..." (see introvert below)
I’m very good at… staying positive.
The hardest thing I’ve ever done… Every time I speak on stage. I was a dancer so I'm used to being on the stage. But just not opening my mouth on it.
I’m frightened of… not having enough time.

My road to publication was… anxious and sleepless. Having an agent on the other side of the world means waking up at all hours to check your email.
The last book I read was… Quiet: The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain. (I'm technically an extrovert but I have strong introvert characteristics that come in handy for a writer.)
I would love to meet… up with all my friends. I haven't seen them in two months since I moved to London and I miss them!
When I get the munchies I eat… cheese and crackers. Seriously, cheese. Amaze.
I’m currently working on… an awesome book I can't talk about!! (Not book three, it's a wee while longer for that.)
I hope I never… get too scared to write.
Life is… weird. It really is. Weird fantastic, weird scary and all the wonderful shades of weird.
Thankyou, Rhiannon, for being a part of Aussie Authors Month!
Blood Song on Goodreads
Blood Storm on Goodreads
Rhiannon's Blog
Rhiannon's Twitter
My review of Blood Song
My review of Blood Storm
Rhiannon's mother sounds ALL kinds of awesome! And obviously not the basis for Renata. Haha. Ooh, mystery book. Intriguing...