You can check out my review here but in the meantime, here is your chance to get to know Rachael after I asked her a few left-of-centre questions.
I was the kind of kid who… checked to see if her wardrobe would let her into Narnia. Regular maybe-this-time checks!
My mother always told me… to take my jacket off when I’m inside or I won’t appreciate it when I go out into the cold.
The biggest lesson I learnt at school was… bullies must be confronted. Silence in the face of injustice perpetuates injustice.
My first big crush was… John Taylor from Duran Duran (I’m that old)
I earnt my first pay cheque… selling Liquorice All-Sorts door to door for a Rhythmic Gymnastics fundraising committee. Weirdly, I never did Rhythmic Gymnastics but it made me stacks of cash. I would buy a new record (vinyl album) at the end of each week with my earnings. I was so rich at 13. In retrospect, I cannot believe my parents let me do something so incredibly dangerous! I could have been stuffed into any lunatic’s basement and diced into little bits.
I really hate it when… people are cruel.
I’m very good at… singing
The hardest thing I’ve ever done… is write a book and get it published.
I’m frightened of… giving up.
When I’m in the shower I sing… gloriously. (I told you)

My road to publication was… 5.5 years of dreaming, praying, working hard, hoping, learning to receive criticism, applying what I learnt, getting to know my own voice, experimentation, risk, leaps of faith, revision, listening, believing, digging deep, surviving earthquakes, pressing in, taking advice, being thankful, having my eyes opened, counting my blessings, wearing my heart on my sleeve, joy, tears and more prayers…
The last book I read was… Cloud Riders by my Twitter buddy, Nick Cook. A high octane, high altitude, steampunk adventure story about airships that travel dimensions through twisters!
I would love to meet… Peter Jackson (he signed my t-shirt at the Lord of the Rings Return of the King World Premier in Wellington, NZ but that doesn’t count. I want to sit down and have a cuppa and chat).
When I get the munchies I eat… Nelson’s own ‘Proper Crisps’ Best potato chips in the whole world.
I’m currently working on… Book 2 of the trilogy, Stray.
I hope I never… forget what really matters in life: family, friends, faith, hope & love
Life is… discovery.
Spark is published 1st July 2014 by Walker Books.
Read my review.
Find Spark on Goodreads
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Tuesday, June 24 Diva Booknerd
Wednesday, June 25 The Tales Compendium
Thursday, June 26 Kids' Book Review & Happy Indulgence
Friday, June 27 Fictional Thoughts
Saturday, June 28 Inside My Worlds: R.L.Sharpe & Aussie Reviews
Sunday, June 29 Striking Keys & Thoughts by J
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Wednesday, June 25 The Tales Compendium
Thursday, June 26 Kids' Book Review & Happy Indulgence
Friday, June 27 Fictional Thoughts
Saturday, June 28 Inside My Worlds: R.L.Sharpe & Aussie Reviews
Sunday, June 29 Striking Keys & Thoughts by J
Monday, June 30 Books for a Delicate Eternity & Fiction in Fiction in Fiction
Tuesday, July 1 The Loony Teen Writer & Kkatie Reads
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